Organization & Structure


AQUA also cooperates with other associations or committees which contribute to standardization actions, thereby enhancing industry collaboration and ensuring alignment with established norms and practices.

European Committee for Standardization

The European Committee for Standardization is one of three European Standardization Organizations (together with CENELEC and ETSI) that have been officially recognized by the European Union and by the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) as being responsible for developing and defining voluntary standards at European level.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization

The European Electrotechnical Committee for Standardization is one of three European Standardization Organizations (together with CEN and ETSI) that have been officially recognized by the European Union and by the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) as being responsible for developing and defining voluntary standards at European level.

European Drinking Water

The European Drinking Water is alliance of European trade associations representing industries which supply products or materials used in drinking water applications and connected to municipal drinking water supplies within the European Union (EU).
This includes pumps, pipes, valves, water meters, taps, water heaters, catering Equipment industry, seals, and materials such as elastomers, metals, plastics, etc. AQUA joined EDW end of 2016.

European Smart Metering Industry Group

The European Smart Metering Industry Group recognizes that the relevant industries have a key role to play in the general roll out and adequate use of Smart Metering technology. It promotes a consistent technological roll out in each of the 27 Member States of the EU and the provision of maximum benefit from the new technology for users, utilities, and the environment.

Fair Standards Alliance

Fair Standards Alliance promotes transparency and fairness in Standard Essential Patent licensing and stands for a sustainable innovation ecosystem. Standard Essential Patents should be licensed on Fair, Reasonable, and Non-Discriminatory terms.


Farecogaz is the European Association of the manufacturers dealing with the gas metering chain, gas pressure regulators with associated safety devices and relevant stations. Represents the EU authorities, competent organisations (e.g. Marcogaz, ESMIG, ORGALIM), standardization bodies and other stakeholders, and participates in the development of European working groups on relevant standardization issues.

European platform of Notified Bodies working in legal Metrology

NoBoMet is a European platform of Notified Bodies working in legal Metrology. These bodies can be governmental agencies, but also private commercial organizations. Also, the range of activities can vary from single verification to Type Approval and Quality System Approval.

Certification System Management Committee

The OIML is an “international standard-setting body” in the sense of the World Trade Organization’s Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement. AQUA in liaison with OIML, participates in the OIML – CS Management Committee, as observer. Maïka Haddad, General Secretary, was appointed representative of AQUA in the OIML – CS MC.

European Technology Industries

Orgalim represents Europe’s technology industries at EU level: innovative companies across the mechanical engineering, electrical and electronics, ICT and metal technology sectors that develop and manufacture the products, systems and services that enable a prosperous and sustainable future. Orgalim is a member of the European Forum for Manufacturing (EFM). Together they represent the largest manufacturing sector in the EU, producing one third of all European exports and providing 11.9 million direct jobs.

Association of the German Water and Heat Meter Industry

VDDW represents the interests of companies active in the water and heat meter industry in Germany. It is not focused on economic gain. VDDW formulate and represent all the common technical and economic interests of its member companies towards politics, ministries, relevant federal and state authorities (e.g. calibration supervisory authorities), legislative bodies as well as comparable international authorities, standardization organizations and the public.

Technology & Innovation

The organization changed its name from WssTP to Water Europe in 2019, marking a new period in which the name of the organization captured the essence of its mission as the recognized voice and promoter of water-related innovation, research, and technology development in Europe. With a focus on the entire water value chain, Water Europe advocates for building a water secure, sustainable, and resilient, Water-Smart Society across Europe and beyond.

European Cooperation in Legal Metrology

WELMEC – the European Cooperation in Legal Metrology – is a regional legal metrology organisation with membership composed of the representative national authorities responsible for legal metrology in the EU and EFTA countries.When it was founded, the acronym Welmec stood for Western European Legal Metrology Cooperation. However, today Welmec extends beyond Western Europe and includes representatives from Central, Eastern, Northern and Southern Europe.