Organization & Structure

Organization & Structure

AQUA is organized with a General Assembly that convenes once a year and an Executive Committee that convenes twice a year, where all AQUA members are represented.
It also consists of five Working Groups (WGs) composed of experts in their field selected among its members.

Overall, this structure ensures that AQUA’s members have opportunities to participate in decision-making processes at both decision-making level (GA) and an operational level (EC and WG). It also allows for specialized expertise to be utilized effectively through the Working Groups.

AQUA’s highest decision-making body. Decisions concerning the organization’s goals, policies and strategies are made. The GA shall decide on all matters of principle and general order and shall proceed to the election of the secretary and the Treasurer; the approval of the annual accounts, of the annual budget; the election of new members; determine and eventually revise the annual subscription for Members and decide on any other matter added to the agenda by a member. An Extraordinary General Assembly may be called either by at least half of the members, at the initiative of the President, or if at least half of the members of the Executive Committee request it.

The EC shall study and prepare all matters concerning AQUA, ensure operations and carried out, facilitate the exchange of information, take urgent measures when not the exclusive responsibility of the General Assembly and verify the implementation of the GA’s decisions. The members of the Executive Committee shall meet to elect a President from among its members. The President may not be elected for more than two consecutives terms.

WGs focus on research, development, or implementation of specific initiatives in specific areas of expertise or projects within AQUA, related to the topics of Water, Thermal Energy, Communication, Sustainability and Marketing. Each Member shall be free to participate in any Working Group. The delegates shall elect a Convenor for their WG by simple majority. He or she will report to the Executive Committee.

AQUA Board

The AQUA Board represents the decision-making and executive core of the organization. Comprising the president, the General Secretary & Treasurer, and the five convenors of the WGs, this body is responsible for guiding the entire AQUA organization.
The AQUA Board ensures effective coordination, smooth communication, and timely decision-making within the organization. This structure combines strategic leadership with specialized representation of the various sectors of AQUA’s activities.

Per Trøjbo<br>Kamstrup

Per Trøjbo

Residing President
Maïka Haddad<br><br>

Maïka Haddad

General Secretary & Treasurer

As head of the organization, the President holds primary responsibility for overall leadership and strategic focus. He/She is the public face of AQUA and represents the organization externally, both in formal and informal contexts.
Members of the EC elect a President among its members. The President may not be elected for more than two successive terms. In the event of resignation or death of the President, the EC shall appoint a new President. The President attend to the day-to-day business of the Association and assume administrative functions, in compliance with the decisions of the EC and the GA and is endowed with all necessary powers to that effect.
Per Trøjbo, from Kamstrup is the Residing President, elected May 26, 2023, after his predecessor, Olivier Carnal, stepped down.

The General Secretary & Treasurer plays a key role in the administration of AQUA. He handles day-to-day administrative functions such as correspondence management, record-keeping, and financial management of the organization.
The position of Secretary and Treasurer can be held by one person cumulating the two positions: the Treasurer oversees the financial management of AQUA and prepares the annual GA, the accounts, and the budget. The Secretary acts under the authority of the President, assists him/ger, prepares and disseminates the minutes of the GA and the EC. The General Secretary can be re-elected with no term limit.
Maïka Haddad has held this key position since June 2019.

The five convenors of the WG represent the various areas of expertise within AQUA. Each convenor serves as a liaison between their respective WG and the AQUA Board, conveying crucial information, updates, and decisions.

Karol Rzepczynski Apator

Karol Rzepczynski Apator

WG Water Metering - Residing Convenor
Ulrich Eff<br>Diehl

Ulrich Eff

WG Thermal Energy - Residing Convenor
Markus Helfenstein<br>GWF

Markus Helfenstein

WG Communication - Residing Convenor
Hanspeter Hadorn<br>Sontex

Hanspeter Hadorn

WG Sustainability - Residing Convenor
Arianna Arizzi<br>Maddalena

Arianna Arizzi

WG Marketing - Residing Convenor